Gibbs phenomenon

Gibbs phenomenon#

The synthesis equation of Fourier Theorem reconstructs a continuous time periodic signal using an infinite sum:

\[ x(t)=\sum_{k=-\infty}^{\infty}a_k e^{jk\omega_0 t}. \]

When we “truncate” this sum, we basically do an approximate reconstruction:

\[ x_N(t)=\sum_{k=-N}^{N}a_k e^{jk\omega_0 t}. \]

As we increase \(N\), the function gets better approximated by the series sum. The energy of the error between the original function and its truncated reconstruction can be defined as

()#\[\begin{equation} E_N = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \lvert x(t)-x_N(t)\rvert^2 dt. \end{equation}\]

We expect that as we increase \(N\), the energy of the error gets smaller. However, there is a peculiar behavior of the Fourier series while approximating the functions, which have discontinuities. As we increase \(N\), the width of the ripples around the discontinuities decreases and converges to a constant value of oscillation around the discontinuities. This behavior is known as the \textbf{Gibbs phenomenon}.

Let us observe this phenomenon on a rectangular function below.

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 
x = np.linspace(0,4,5000)

square_wave = 1 - 2 * (x.astype(int) % 2)

N = 5
fsq = np.zeros_like(x)
for i in range(N):
    n = 2*i + 1
    fsq += np.sin(n * np.pi *x) / n
fsq *= 4 / np.pi

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, square_wave)
ax.plot(x, fsq, 'k')
ax.set_xlim(1.4, 3.6)
ax.text(3.2, .25, (r'$N=%d$' % N));

The plot above is for \(N=5\). As we increase \(N\), the approximation gets better. However, no matter how high \(N\) is, there will be a discrepancy between the original signal (blue) and its approximation (blue) around the discontinuties. Observe this phenomenon yourself by changing the value of \(N\) above and re-running the code.

Related content:

Explore Fourier series representation for continuous time periodic signals.

An example on the duality of convolution and multiplication.

Explore trigonometric waveforms.